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Vicksburg National Military Park

Vicksburg National Military Park

Patriotism during the Civil War was deep-rooted, and over 600,000 enlisted men and officers would die in pursuit of two opposing dreams.

The Vicksburg battlefield includes 1,330 monuments and markers, a 16 mile tour road, a restored Union gunboat, and a National Cemetery.

Vicksburg National Cemetery encompasses 117.85 acres and includes over 18,000 interments. Graves of Civil War soldiers total 17,077, of which 12,909 are unknown.

An additional 1,280 graves are occupied by soldiers who participated in the Indian Wars, Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, and the Korean Conflict.

Preserved by mud and silt, Cairo—a Union ironclad gunboat—was sunk and sat on the bottom of the Yazoo River for 102 years. It was raised in 1964, and later restored. The ironclad is now on display within Vicksburg National Military Park.

Also, throughout the summer, Vicksburg National Military Park will present Living History programs and demonstrations.

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