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Larry C. Kerpelman

Larry C. Kerpelman is a freelance writer and communications professional from Massachusetts. After serving as vice president and director of corporate communications at the Cambridge research and consulting firm Abt Associates, Kerpelman turned to writing about singular moments in American history. He has published feature articles in American History on the propaganda race that began with the Battle of Lexington and Concord; an enslaved man who was a double agent for Lafayette in Cornwallis’s camp; and the discovery of Robert Gould Shaw’s long-lost sword from the Civil War battle at Fort Wagner, South Carolina. His writing has also appeared in The Boston Globe, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, among other places.

​Kerpelman earned his B.A. in psychology from Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D in clinical psychology from the University of Rochester. He and his wife live in Acton, Massachusetts.

Articles by this Author

In “the cradle of the American Revolution,” loyalists to the Crown faced a harsh choice: live with terrible abuse where they were, or flee to friendlier, but alien regions.