He fought the alliance between corporations and political bosses, to take back government for farmers, workers, and consumers.
They should have been taught better.
A longtime contributor and former editor introduces the special anniversary issue.
A young man from Queens jumps into the thick of World War II intelligence activities by translating secret Japanese messages
After a decade of writing about wars, elections, and other calamities, one of our best writers passes the baton.
Indian policy has always had more to do with current social thinking than with actual tribal life.
Since the Civil War, the nation has sent just four African-Americans to the Senate. Why?
William Jefferson Clinton, Andrew Johnson, and the judgment of history
A new book argues that Americans are deeply interested in the past—but in highly personal ways
‘Who’s next?” sang Tom Lehrer in his darkly funny Cold War ballad about nuclear proliferation. We’re still asking.
It was born of a slew of compromises, which may be the secret of its survival in a vastly changed world.
What should a union offer its members? A century-old fight heats up again.
In the past century, the two major opponents on the question of free trade have changed sides completely.
On Israel’s 50th anniversary, we should remember the role that a black American played in its creation.
Whenever a new information technology has been born, there’s been somebody on hand to try to censor it
Why the possible liaison between Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings matters to us
A century and a half before the Heaven’s Gate suicides, hundreds of thousands of Americans waited all one October night for the world to end
Bill Clinton is having a rocky second term. But so has almost every President who made it back into office.
…and grow, and grow, from almost no employees to three million. Don’t blame the welfare state, or the military; the truth is much more interesting.
With his usual furious vigor, Andrew Jackson posed a question that continues to trouble us to this day
The Boxer Rebellion casts a harsh and vivid light on America’s long, complex relationship with China
How a J. P. Morgan partner and the former Secretary of the Navy defused a revolution just by being good guys
A turn-of-the-century jurist devoted his life to keeping the young out of what he called “a school for crime”
Five centuries of American hangovers—and the single greatest faux pas in New York City history
The courts are taking up the question of what can and cannot constitute legal wedlock. They’ve been there before.
A century ago this fall, voters were at one another’s throats in one of the hardest-fought campaigns ever