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Guidelines For Writers

Guidelines For Writers

American Heritage magazine accepts unsolicited proposals from established freelance writers for features and some departments. The following submission form and guidelines have been developed to allow you to provide all of the basic information we need to make an initial determination about your proposal and about you as a writer.

How to Submit: 

  • Basic Information: Include the following information on one sheet of paper or in the body of an email to editor [at] our domain. Do not send attachments.
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Telephone
    • Have you previously written for American Heritage magazine or Invention & Technology magazine?
  • The Proposal: Using no more than 1,000 words, describe the article you want to write; why it is appropriate to publish the article now; and why you are qualified to write it.



All unsolicited proposals are sent to us on speculation. In sending a proposal to American Heritage Publishing, you understand that you are sending the information for consideration. This does not constitute an agreement to publish your work. Please do not send full manuscripts. If you have supporting material or clips of your previously published work available on-line, please include the URLs. Please use footnotes and annotations as necessary to aid our staff in assessing the accuracy of your article.


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