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Christmas Dinner at Mount Vernon

Christmas Dinner at Mount Vernon

Listed below are links to recipes for some of the Washingtons' favorite recipes, taken from the American Heritage Cookbook.


Christmas was an especially meaningful holiday at Mount Vernon. George and Martha Washington were married on Twelfth Night in 1759, and throughout their lives they tried to spend the Christmas holiday season together. Even during the Revolution, Martha Washington traveled the winter roads with a military escort to join the General in his winter quarters.

Dinner at Mount Vernon was customarily served at three o'clock in the afternoon—an hour about which the General was altogether precise. He was likely to tell late guests, "Gentlemen ... I have a cook who never asks whether the company has come, but whether the hour has come." (Martha was equally punctual. In 1790, she concluded an evening party promptly at nine o'clock by rising and announcing to her company, "The General always retires at nine, and I usually precede him.")

In the prevailing fashion, dinner was served in three courses and on two tablecloths. One cloth was removed between each course, and the fruit, nuts, and wines were served on the bare table. In the center of the table was an elegant epergne, and handsome platters containing meats and fish were placed symmetrically about the table—with a suitable assortment of vegetables and "corner dishes" of sauces, relishes, and preserves located at other appropriate spots.

Dinners were customarily concluded with toasts around the table. In 1789 William Maclay, a senator from Pennsylvania, was guest at a dinner party with the President and Mrs. Washington, Vice-President and Mrs. Adams, and several others. At the end of the meal, Maclay reported, "the President, filling a glass of wine with great formality drank to the health of every individual name by name round the table. Everybody imitated him, charged glasses, and such a buzz of 'health, sir,' and 'health, madam,' and 'thank you, sir' and `thank you, madam,' never had I heard before. Indeed, I had liked to have been thrown out in the hurry; but I got a little wine in my glass, and passed the ceremony. The ladies sat a good while, and the bottle passed about; but there was a dead silence almost. Mrs. Washington at last withdrew with the ladies."

The list of Christmas foods that follow is a composite of meals served at Mount Vernon, made up of dishes that were available there in winter. Visitors to Mount Vernon were given to incomplete accounts, like that of Amariah Frost, who dined with the Washingtons in 1797 and reported, "The dinner was very good, a small roasted pigg, boiled leg of lamb, roasted Fowles, beef, peas, lettice, cucumbers, artichokes, etc. puddings, tarts, etc. etc." In compiling this menu the etceteras have been replaced by recourse to various guests' reports, garden books, farm records, and invoices of goods ordered from merchants.


An Onion Soup Call'd the King's Soup

Oysters on the Half Shell    Broiled Salt Roe Herring    Boiled Rockfish

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding    Mutton Chops

Roast Suckling Pig   Roast Turkey with Chestnut Stuffing

Round of Cold Boiled Beef with Horse-radish Sauce    Cold Baked Virginia Ham

Lima Beans   Baked Squash    Baked Celery with Slivered Almonds

Hominy Pudding   Candied Sweet Potatoes

Cantaloupe Pickle   Spiced Peaches in Brandy   Spiced Cranberries

Mincemeat Pie   Apple Pie   Cherry Pie   Chess Tarts

Blancmange    Plums in Wine Jelly    Snowballs   Indian Pudding

Great Cake   Ice Cream    Plum Pudding

Fruits Nuts Raisins

Port Madeira

For more information, visit the Mount Vernon website

Photo courtesy of Mount Vernon. © 2016 Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. 

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