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They Said It

October 2024
1min read

OVER THE PAST few years, I’ve been careful to preserve the kind words that prominent men and women have said about A MERICAN H ERITAGE . While it might be unseemly for the editors of the magazine to blow their own horn, I, as the proud papa of this enterprise, see no reason not to share a few bracing reactions and observations with our readers:

BARBARA TUCHMAN: I have been a regular reader of A MERICAN H ERITAGE for what must be close to twenty-five years. It always has something I like, something I did not know before, something I am glad to know about. I hope it goes on forever.

WILLIAM S. PALEY: It deepens our understanding of America’s past, and makes learning about that past a pleasure.

WALTER CRONKITE: I know no other publication that regularly reports so entertainingly on our past and tells so well the story of our wonderful history.

DAVID ROCKEFELLER: A MERICAN H ERITAGE does a superb job in reminding us of the glorious tradition which is ours…

HENRY A. KISSINGER: A nation’s history is its memory, its identity, the embodiment of its values and its sense of self-worth. A society that knows its heritage has the faith to face its future. I know of no other publication in the world that captures the vitality of a nation’s history as well as A MERICAN H ERITAGE does. It is an extraordinary magazine.

WALTER LORD: A MERICAN H ERITAGE is the only magazine I keep.…I can’t imagine being without it.

MALCOLM S. FORBES: Since the first issue, I’ve been a happy subscriber, an avid reader.… For anyone with any interest in our country’s history, A MERICAN H ERITAGE provides an ongoing update covering a glorious gamut.

JOSEPH ALSOP: From every issue I find I learn things well worth knowing.… Nothing is rarer, moreover, than the combination of serious enlightenment and consistent enjoyment.

GEN. JAMES M. GAVIN: A MERICAN H ERITAGE is unique among magazines. It deals with every aspect of our society and our daily lives, both past and present, and it should be read from cover to cover.

SEN. DANIEL P. MOYNIHAN: A MERICAN H ERITAGE is an American treasure. It enriches the present every bit as much as it enlarges and enlivens understanding of our past. I challenge anyone to read six issues—by God, a single issue!—to see if you don’t find yourself thinking just a little bit differently, and a little more, about America. And all of this without a trace of ideological or partisan purpose.

Enough said.

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